
Nisan, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Powtoon about Modals

Hello everyone. Today I bring you a small powtoon video that explains briefly the modal verbs of the English language. Enjoy!

About Seesaw and My Experience with it

Hello everyone. In this post I would like to tell you about an educational tool I found and I made a nice little activity on it. You can check it here:  https://app.seesaw.me/#/activities/class/class.c7feed9c-a906-41ff-aa50-eef1a08c53ff Seesaw is a fairly interesting website. Reminds me of Edmodo, but except you can make classroom materials on it and upload them rather than preparing them externally and uploading them. In Seesaw, you can create materials and upload them to your classrooms where your students can participate to them and give their answers, where you are also able to constantly monitor everything. I made a small activity called "Help the Testa Roadster Come back to Earth!" As you may or may not remember, SpaceX launched a car into space, and I thought it'd make an interesting topic to make an activity for. I asked students to create a dialogue where the car asks aliens how to come back to Earth. I also used a video game called Universe Sandbox 2 to crea

Activity for English Classes

https://soundcloud.com/murat-ak-n-871709444/english-activity-podcast/s-ci0rw Greetings everyone. You most probably noticed the link above this text already. The link will lead you to a podcast of me talking about a very nice classroom activity which I believe will be very beneficial to your classroom. Students typically struggle expressing their thoughts on things, and especially feel shy about talking in front of the classroom. However, with the extremely easy to come by materials you will have make your topics easy to learn.
                        Greetings everyone. For the first video of my blog, I bring you a video about one of the most common questions language learners constantly ask: "What is the easiest or effective way of learning a language?"                          In this video, I explain to you what essentially every language teacher or even regular people tell you to do, which is to experience the language . By experience the language I mean that you should be in an environment that speaks your target language, which is English for this video. In the modern age of today, with the widespread of electronic devices and internet, you can easily and freely talk to anyone. What I suggest, from my personal experience, is to get yourself some video games. There are many free online games, but if you're already interested you can buy some that interest you. Nearly every game is based on English unless you are in a different region that is dominated by a different language. By play